Quotes on Life
Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going because a straight line even in an E.C.G means we are not alive.
Ratan Tata
Don’t be serious, enjoy life as it comes.
Ratan Tata
A person who is trying to copy others will be a successful person for a while, but he won’t be able to succeed further in life.
Ratan Tata
As you grow older, you become everybody becomes – less inflexible and a little more accommodating.
Ratan Tata
Quotes on business
A founder who is in for the short run, or has no passion for the sector he is in, doesn’t give me a great deal of comfort.
Ratan Tata
Businesses need to go beyond the interest of their companies to the communities they serve.
Ratan Tata
If there are challenges thrown across, then some interesting, innovative solutions are found. Without challenges, the tendency is to go on the same way.
Ratan Tata
I have been telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned, and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas and new processes to get things done.
Ratan Tata
Deal with the crisis in such a way that you can hold your head high and sleep well at night.
Ratan Tata
If a founder has passion and innovation, he needs to be supported. I am more intuitive than a numbers person, and I recognize that not all investments are going to be positive. Some may fail, and some may have problems for other reasons. That is life.
Ratan Tata
Quotes for Students
All of us do not have equal talent. Yet all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.
Ratan Tata
Take the stones, people throw at you and use them to build a monument.
Ratan Tata
Quotes on Leadership
If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.
Ratan Tata
Quotes on Ethics
I admire people who are very successful. But if that success has been achieved through too much ruthlessness, then I may admire that person, but I can’t respect him.
Ratan Tata
I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and no compromises.
Ratan Tata
Other Popular Quotes
None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person, but his own mindset can.
Ratan Tata