Sundar Pichai Quotes

Quotes on Life

In life don’t react, always respond.

Sundar Pichai

It is important to follow your dreams and heart. Do something that excites you.

Sundar Pichai

Most of how life plays out is up to you.

Sundar Pichai

A person who is happy is not happy because everything is right in his life, he is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right.

Sundar Pichai

Quotes on business

We try to work on things which billions of people will use every day.

Sundar Pichai

Be impatient. It will create the progress the world needs.

Sundar Pichai

You might fail a few times, but that’s Ok. You end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from.

Sundar Pichai

Good companies do whatever it takes.

Sundar Pichai

It is always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will constantly keep pushing your limits.

Sundar Pichai

Quotes for students

Focus on education is a big strength. I want to see young people focus on creativity and take more risks.

Sundar Pichai

If you don’t fail sometimes, you are not being ambitious enough.

Sundar Pichai

Quotes on Leadership

As a leader, it is important to not just see your success but focus on the success of others.

Sundar Pichai

Quotes on Ethics

The right moral compass is trying hard to think about what customers want.

Sundar Pichai

My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their life and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.

Sundar Pichai

Other Popular Quotes

Wear your failures as a badge of honor.

Sundar Pichai

Let yourself feel insecure from time, it will help you grow as an individual.

Sundar Pichai